Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Organizational Behavior_Forum 3

Organizational Behavior_Forum 3

Q Choose 1 business issue such as work teams, decision-making, conflict, power, communication etc. from your own professional work experience or peer-reviewed journal articles. Apply a total of 2 different concepts (such as evidence based decision-making (EBDM), forms of conflict, political tactics in the organization, etc.) from Chapters 9–13 of the Kinicki & Fugate textbook to the issue you are discussing. Relate the chosen chapter concepts from your reading to the business issue in a way that demonstrates understanding of each concept.

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Good communication at work matters as some jobs are single acts. Communication is taken by it on a team to work. It is required for people functioning alone to make report to bosses of theirs. Lawsuits, failure, and errors are led by bad communication. It is assisted by effective to prevent them. Communication at the workplace is information transmission among one group or person and another group or person in a firm. It can consist of text messages, notes, emails, and voicemails. Communication at workplace is vital to firms as companies are permitted to operate in an effective manner and function productively.